Vacation is a project about dreams and reality, the desire to travel the world and see incredible places and experience cultures. For the most part, it’s all just talk; money and time and everything else will obstruct most people from reaching those dreams. Estonia is no different, with its cold winters and unpredictable summers, people dream of travelling warmer parts of the world to leave their problems aside. With this project Kööp is challenging the need to travel by searching for unusual and interesting landscapes within the country itself. These are man-made landscapes, most often found in quarries, but with the right perspective, it could be seen as something far more intriguing. These quarries are my way of escaping the everyday; sort of as a small vacation. With their ever-changing landscape they always provide an interesting experience. The work is mainly informed by the work Kööp has seen on Instagram. More specifically the minimalist photography communities forming around zine accounts that feature work of users. These are often people who have travelled to explore the minimalism in landscape or anywhere else. Having also visited a quarry around the same time as discovering this community Kööp challenged himself to find similar places or at least achieve similar results by just going around quarries in Estonia. This idea grew into a long lasting project of him visiting and revisiting quarries, exploring the changes in landscape. Not to forget it was also a way to leave stress and everyday problems aside for at least those few hours. Kööp also realized that he actually got the best results during difficult times, making the connection of the mind finding ways around dealing with problems.